Video Reports
March 28, 2024 | By MacIver News
Policy Issues
Ballot Integrity

1-in-4 Milwaukee Voters Should be Deactivated, Says Voter Integrity Group

The City of Milwaukee’s election commission met on Wednesday, Mar. 28 to consider challenges to the voting rolls. A voter integrity group showed up with several spreadsheets containing over 71,000 names.

The City of Milwaukee’s election commission met on Wednesday, Mar. 28 to consider challenges to the voting rolls.

A voter integrity group showed up with several spreadsheets containing over 71,000 names. That’s over a quarter of all registered voters in the city. The lists were created by merging post office records with the voter rolls. The challengers walked the commission through their lists and reasoning, hoping for tens of thousands of names to be deactivated from the rolls. MNS’ Bill Osmulski has more about who was caught up in their dragnet.

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