MI Newsmakers Podcasts
March 15, 2021 | By MacIver Staff
Policy Issues

MacIver Newsmakers Podcast: Commissioner Nowak On Evers' Green Energy Budget Proposals

LISTEN - Commissioner Ellen Nowak from the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) joins the Newsmakers Podcast to discuss what some of the green energy recommendations in the Governor's budget will mean for Wisconsinites. She says Wisconsin can reach a reduced carbon energy future that’s reliable, without hitting ratepayers with the artificially high rates and taxes that the Task Force would create.
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The Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change recommended “trillions” worth of new spending and taxes for Evers’ carbon-free agenda last year. Several of their major recommendations have now made it into Evers’ proposed state budget. Commissioner Ellen Nowak from the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) joins the Newsmakers Podcast to discuss what some of those recommendations will mean for Wisconsinites. She says Wisconsin can reach a reduced carbon energy future that’s reliable, without harming ratepayers with the artificially high rates and taxes that the Task Force would create.

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