Not sure what you can do to stop Critical Race Theory or how you would even begin to push back on Critical Race Theory in your school?
You need to listen to this podcast!
July 14, 2021
Take a few minutes to listen to Scarlett Johnson, a parent of the Mequon-Thiensville School District, and Alyssa Pollow, a parent of the Germantown School District, as they describe what you can do to push back against Critical Race Theory.
There is so little emphasis on science and math and just total emphasis on social justice. And the goal of education now is to make children activists.
These two moms decided that their children’s education was too important to sit on the sideline. In the podcast, they describe why they became involved in the fight against CRT, and how difficult the education establishment has made it to find out basic public information about the use of CRT in our schools. Finally, Scarlett and Alyssa talk about how they convinced their fellow parents and community members to speak up and fight back.
As the MacIver Institute has previously reported, Critical Race Theory preaches that the United States was founded on racism, grew to become the successful nation that we are today because of this racism and that our country, still today, is fundamentally defined by our racism and racism is found in everything that we do and that we do not do. This divisive ideology is infiltrating classrooms, workplaces, and everyday life.
Both of these moms have done extensive research on CRT both at their district level and beyond. After investigating the Department of Public Instruction’s standards for education, Scarlett found “There is so little emphasis on science and math and just total emphasis on social justice. And the goal of education now is to make children activists. And this is just not acceptable to the vast majority.”
Parents have to rely on putting their trust and faith in their schools that they are doing what’s best for those students, putting the students’ needs first. And this is really the districts taking advantage of that trust that the families are giving them, and it feels so blatantly wrong and immoral that we are manipulating children and dumbing down our educational system in the name of equity.
Additionally, they discuss the responsibility districts have to provide a comprehensive look at history. Alyssa says that “Parents have to rely on putting their trust and faith in their schools that they are doing what’s best for those students, putting the students’ needs first. And this is really the districts taking advantage of that trust that the families are giving them, and it feels so blatantly wrong and immoral that we are manipulating children and dumbing down our educational system in the name of equity.”
Scarlett explained, “We are for transparency. We are for civil discourse. We are for equality, viewpoint diversity in schools, and we are pro-human. We want love and tolerance for all, regardless of what you look like… When kids go to school, those are the values that should be present, and a focus on education. Let’s get back to that, and I think we’ll have far less division and kids will be happy and healthier, emotionally stronger, more resilient, better educated, and communities can stop with this division and communities can come together again.”
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