Annette Olson

Chief Executive Officer

Fields of Expertise

Grassroots & Coalitions Leader, Trainer, Information Management

Annette is the Chief Executive Officer for the John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy and MacIver Impact, Inc. MacIver Institute has been the leading free market voice for Wisconsin since 2009. MacIver Impact is the free market advocate for Wisconsin.

Annette is most passionate to work on building coalitions, leading grassroots efforts organizing citizens surrounding good policy reforms; and helping citizens learn how to find their voice in government so Wisconsinites can succeed.

Previously, Annette was the Deputy State Director for Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin where, for more than a decade, she led the state’s field efforts and was instrumental in building a very respected state grassroots team.

Prior to that Annette was employed with the NRA-ILA, was a TEA Party leader and created several successful state-based organizations which advocated for the rights of gunowners and hunters.

Her efforts helped elect and reelect Scott Walker, helped re-elect Ron Johnson to the US Senate twice, helped elect numerous state and federal legislative champions and Supreme Court justices. She is highly recognized for her contributions to pass good policy reforms that helped Wisconsin lead the nation in the path to regain freedom.

Annette has received several awards including the ‘2012 National Grassroots Activist of the Year’ from AFP; the ‘Unsung Hero’ in 2014 from Right Wisconsin/Right Women; and a citation by the Senate in 2012 for “protecting states’ rights and individual freedoms and limiting the expansion of government.”

Annette lives in rural Western Wisconsin. She has 3 grown children and 5 grandchildren - the reasons she fights for the American Dream.