Kathryn ‘Murph’ Burke

Board Member

Kathryn Murphy Burke—born in the middle of the Second World War—grew up in Illinois, the oldest of 7. She moved to Milwaukee for college, raised 5 children of her own and now has 10 grandchildren.

She and her husband, John, worked hard, setting an honorable example of the tradition of a successful family business that is committed to giving back. Whether in their local parish, neighborhood, or wider community locally, regionally, and nationally, Murph’s and John’s efforts to make a difference have set a high bar.

Murph is well recognized and valued for her leadership and meaningful philanthropic contributions to the community, adding to the texture and vibrancy of the Milwaukee landscape. Often her gifts are visible; at other times her gifts, although no less important, are made quietly. 

Unassuming, but assured, she remains involved in many causes that work to restore the traditional values of Wisconsin and America.