MI News Minute Podcasts
July 30, 2024 | By William Osmulski
Policy Issues

The Democrats' Undemocratic Decision-Making Process

No one in Wisconsin should be surprised that Kamala Harris has all but secured the Democrat nomination for president without a single vote in the primaries.

We got a good look at the Democrat party’s ironically undemocratic methods during the 2022 mid-terms.

Remember how there were originally 8 candidates running for the Democrat nomination for US Senate?

One-by-one they all dropped out before the primary to clear the way for Mandela Barnes.

Can’t have your voters making important decisions like that!

Sarah Godlewski was the last one to bow out – just one month before the primary and with momentum on her side.

It all worked out for her in the end though.

Doug La Follette won his race for secretary of state and just two months into the term decided to retire.

Gov. Evers coincidently appointed Godlewski as his replacement, raising all kinds of suspicion but with absolutely no fear of consequences.

After all, it’s not like voters had a say in any of these democrat decisions in the first place.

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