Milwaukee Public Schools Shave $1 Billion in Unfunded Liability from Teacher Retirement Program

A new study has shown that the unfunded liability created by post-retirement benefits for former employees of Milwaukee’s Public Schools (MPS) has decreased by a billion dollars in the past year. These savings, which were created by raising the eligibility requirements needed to qualify for retiree benefits, are a direct result of the district using 2010’s controversial Act 10 to alter employee benefits in order to cut costs and dedicate more money to the classroom.  Read More Milwaukee Public Schools Shave $1 Billion in Unfunded Liability from Teacher Retirement Program

Milwaukee Teachers Union Reps Support Their Selfish Chicago Counterparts

As with any question involving government spending and public employee unions, it’s impossible to watch what’s happening in Illinois without comparing the situation with what happened in Wisconsin. Right on cue, Milwaukee Teachers Education Association President Bob Peterson announced his solidarity with the striking teachers in Chicago. He even promised to wear red on Monday in support.  Read More Milwaukee Teachers Union Reps Support Their Selfish Chicago Counterparts

Unions Force Milwaukee Public Schools to Return Grant Money

If teachers’ unions really cared about students, they would be interested in such changes. Not only should they allow changes, they should strongly support the state’s worst school district’s desire to experiment with new methods free of charge. Potentially, teachers’ salaries would increase, weak links would be identified, and hopefully our children would be given a chance to receive a high quality education.  Read More Unions Force Milwaukee Public Schools to Return Grant Money